pétrolier d"essence - vertaling naar
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pétrolier d"essence - vertaling naar

Feminine essence; Female essence

pétrolier d'essence      
n. petrol tanker


·noun Constituent substance.
II. Essence ·noun A being; ·esp., a purely spiritual being.
III. Essence ·noun Perfume; odor; scent; or the volatile matter constituting perfume.
IV. Essence ·vt To Perfume; to Scent.
V. Essence ·noun The constituent elementary notions which constitute a complex notion, and must be enumerated to define it; sometimes called the nominal essence.
VI. Essence ·noun The predominant qualities or virtues of a plant or drug, extracted and refined from grosser matter; or, more strictly, the solution in spirits of wine of a volatile or essential oil; as, the essence of mint, and the like.
VII. Essence ·noun The constituent quality or qualities which belong to any object, or class of objects, or on which they depend for being what they are (distinguished as real essence); the real being, divested of all logical accidents; that quality which constitutes or marks the true nature of anything; distinctive character; hence, virtue or quality of a thing, separated from its grosser parts.


Cultural feminism

Cultural feminism, the view that there is a "female nature" or "female essence", attempts to revalue and redefine attributes ascribed to femaleness. It is also used to describe theories that commend innate differences between women and men. Cultural feminism diverged from radical feminism, when some radical feminists rejected the previous feminist and patriarchal notion that feminine traits are undesirable and returned to an essentialist view of gender differences in which they regard female traits as superior.